Rose Magic for the Winter Blues

Hello friend! I hope you’re doing well. We’re in the midst of winter in the northern hemisphere right now, and I, like many of us, have been experiencing a bit of the winter blues.

I always enjoy the winter leading up to the holidays, but I find that sadness and anxiety usually begin creeping in after the start of the new year. For me, I think the combination of cold, dark days, along with the pressure I put on myself to accomplish SO much at the beginning of the year, create an environment that is difficult to thrive in. It’s actually strange to think about how the time of year when nature is at rest,  is also the time when society tells us we should be working the hardest to achieve our goals and resolutions.

So today, I want to slow down and take care of myself, and making a few rose recipes seemed like the perfect way to do just that.

In the past, I’ve intuitively gravitated toward rose this time of year but ever since I began studying herbalism a couple of years ago, I’ve started to intentionally  rose into my winter routines.

Rose is a powerful plant for self care in the winter–it’s known for its gentle uplifting and calming properties, and it can help boost our mood and alleviate anxiety, exhaustion, and irritability. And it also smells and tastes absolutely wonderful!

So today I want to share with you a few of my favorite recipes and DIYS for incorporating rose: rose room spray, rose hot chocolate, and rose bath salts!

You can find the recipes for each here:

Rose Room Spray Recipe

Rose Bath Salts Recipe

Rose Hot Chocolate Recipe

And before we say goodbye, I just wanted to leave you with a final message or maybe even a challenge–if you’ve been putting a lot of pressure on yourself lately to keep doing MORE, I want to remind you that you have a whole year ahead of you to work on your goals and make big changes in your life if you want to.

You are more than enough exactly the way you are right now now, and if you want to push yourself to improve in some areas of your life, that’s wonderful–but never push yourself at the expense of your own wellbeing. If we can grow from a place of self love, we can accomplish so much more–and take care of ourselves along the way.

I’m sending you a big hug!


Rose Bath Salts


Rose Room Spray