Golden Immunity Juice

Haley Post golden immunity juice my moonstone kitchen

Ugh, February. Is it just me, or does the shortest month always feel like the longest?? We’ve been hit with one snowstorm after the next here on the east coast, and I am so eager for the weather to break. 

When the awful winter weather leaves me feeling in need of some extra immune support, this Golden Immunity Juice is my go-to. With ingredients like beets, oranges, ginger, and turmeric, this juice is packed with antioxidants, vitamins, and anti-inflammatory compounds. And if you feel like you’re coming down with a cold, this is THE juice to drink!!

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This Golden Immunity Juice will leave you feeling replenished and energized--and it tastes delicious, too.

Golden Immunity Juice

Serves 1-2 (about 2-3 cups)

This golden juice is packed with immune-boosting nutrients thanks to ingredients like oranges, ginger, and turmeric. 


  • 3 medium golden beets, cut into large pieces 

  • 3 medium oranges, peeled 

  • 5 carrots 

  • 4 inch piece of ginger, peeled

  • 1 inch piece of turmeric, peeled

To make:

  1. Cut and peel the fruits and vegetables.

  2. Turn on the juicer and add the ingredients. For best results (and the maximum juice yield), alternate between adding hard/non-juicy produce and soft/juicy produce. In this particular juice, I like to add the ingredients in this order: beets, one orange, carrots, one orange, ginger and turmeric, one orange.

  3. Serve as is, or pour over ice. Enjoy!!

golden immunity juice my moonstone kitchen

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